Funded Projects
dstl collaboration
The Pandemic Institute and the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory (Dstl) have collaborated on a combined funding call for pump-priming research, with the aim of strengthening the partnership between TPI and Dstl investigators
Funded projects
- Effect of environmental pollution particles on host-agent interactions Prof Aras Kadioglu (UoL)
- Towards the development of point-of-care diagnostics for Marburg viral disease Dr Ana Cubas Atienzar (LSTM)
- Generation of novel pseudo-typed viral particle systems for the study of viral threats and testing of anti-viral compounds Prof Georgios Pollakis (UoL)
- In silico tools for studying virus-host interactions with applications in designing novel diagnostics and therapeutics Dr Femi Olorunniji (LJMU)
- Developing a model of plague infection for the investigation of novel therapeutic approaches Prof Neill Liptrott (UoL)
- In vitro modelling for protecting the blood-brain-barrier from viral infections Prof Ben Michael (UoL)
- Fast acting sensor cell line for Crimean Congo Haemorrhagic Fever (CCHFV) enumeration and analysis Prof Alain Kohl (LSTM)
- Laboratory and field assessment of a novel air sampling device for investigation of level of detectable virus in inhalable aerosols Dr Susan Gould (LSTM)
- Understanding bacteriophage activity in different ‘host’ conditions Prof Jo Fothergill (UoL)
Emerging Threats Funding Call - Oropouche Virus
A combined call from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health Protection Research Unit in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections (HPRU EZI) and The Pandemic Institute (TPI) of £300,000 for research on Oropouche virus (OROV).
Funded projects
- Understanding placental infection by original and reassortant Oropouche virus Prof Alain Kohl (LSTM)
- Towards the development of a rapid diagnostic test for the diagnosis of Oropouche virus at the point-of-care Dr Ana Cubas Atienzar (LSTM)
- Bridging the Oropouche virus communication gap: contrasting public and professional perspectives on the barriers and facilitators to risk mitigation Prof Ruth Ogden (LJMU)
- Oropouche virus in the Caribbean and introduction risks to the UK: Assessing Vector Dynamics, Diagnostic Capacity, and Epidemiological Profiles with Risk Analysis for Introduction via Travellers to the UK Prof Matthew Baylis (UoL)
- Design and development of vaccines against Oropouche virus Prof Teresea Lamb
- Developing mRNA vaccines against Oropouche virus Prof Lance Turtle (UoL)
Avian Influenza Funding Call
A combined call from the National Institute for Health and Care Research (NIHR) Health Protection Research Unit in Emerging and Zoonotic Infections (HPRU EZI), The Pandemic Institute (TPI) in Liverpool and the Pandemic Sciences Institute (PSI) in Oxford. Total funding pot of £750,000 for research on Avian Influenza, in partnership with the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA).
Funded projects
- Modelling drug knowledge libraries for pandemic/avian flu Prof Saye Khoo (UoL)
- A controlled human infection model of avian influenza Dr Shaun Pennington (LSTM)
- A pre-clinical pipeline for avian influenza therapeutics Dr Shaun Pennington (LSTM)
- Modelling transmission of highly pathogenic avian influenza in poultry and mapping potential risk to humans Dr Emily Nixon & Professor Kieran Sharkey Prof Saye Khoo (UoL)
- Diagnostics consortium to address challenges in the rapid detection of Avian Influenza Virus Dr Emily Adams (LSTM)
- Duck, duck, goose: a combined modelling and serosurveillance approach to understand H5N1 within England Dr Ash Otter, UK Health Security Agency
- Epidemic simulation of Influenza A: applications to current HPAI, and a deployable pipeline for future outbreaks Dr Marcus Blagrove (UoL)
- Production of human neutralising monoclonal antibodies for influenza strains with pandemic potential (H5N1, H7N9) Prof Paul Klenerman University of Oxford