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The Pandemic Institute Reflects on 5 years since COVID-19

March 7, 2025

On Sunday 9 March the country is invited to come together and reflect on the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic, including commemorating those who lost their lives, reflecting on the sacrifices made, and paying tribute to the frontline workers, researchers and all those who volunteered and showed acts of kindness during this unprecedented time.

The Pandemic Institute was founded in autumn 2021 as a direct result of Liverpool’s efforts across the city during the pandemic. Many of the researchers at our founding partners pivoted during this time to mobilise expertise in infectious diseases and public health research. In this news item, they share their own personal reflections as well as what it was like working at that time. 

Dr Shona Moore

Shona was a Postdoctoral Research Associate in the Department of Clinical Infection, Microbiology and Immunology when the pandemic first started to emerge. In her role at that time, Shona worked in the University of Liverpool labs throughout the pandemic, processing thousands of laboratory samples in the fight against COVID.

In 2022 colleagues nominated Shona for her energy, dedication and passion for research at the University of Liverpool staff awards.

She says: “A lasting memory was how rapidly the situation changed. From collecting the first samples from the Royal Liverpool University Hospital, to processing tens of thousands of samples from across the country, the job became very big very quickly. And while the country entered lockdown, we had to recruit volunteers from across the University to work at scale in the lab.

“What really sticks with me though is the team spirit and sense of camaraderie that we had in the lab. It was inspirational to see the amount of people who were happy to pause their PhDs, and research projects to get stuck in so we could characterise the disease and contribute to the national effort to combat it.

“It’s hard to believe that was 5 years ago now and I’m proud I was able to play a role in controlling the disease.”

Professor Tom Solomon CBE

Professor Tom Solomon, Director of The Pandemic Institute says: “As each year passes since the height of the pandemic it can feel as if COVID is more and more of a distant memory. But our work at The Pandemic Institute ensures we continue to develop new diagnostic tests, treatments and vaccines, for emerging infection threats, and strengthening the research infrastructure. 

“On this day of reflection, I will be thinking about my patients, friends and colleagues who did not make it through the pandemic, including Professor Donal O’Donoghue. He was Registrar at the Royal College of Physicians, where I am currently Academic Vice President, and he helped lead a lot of the college response, as well as looking after patients.”  

 Dr Caitlin Thompson

Caitlin works as a Strategic Post for The Pandemic Institute, and specialises in developing diagnostic tests for emerging infections and potential pandemic threats.

“In 2020 as the pandemic was taking hold, I joined the diagnostics research group at Liverpool School of Tropical Medicine as a Research Technician working on the development and evaluation of new lateral flow tests for COVID-19 diagnostics. It was a strange time to be working but socially distanced within the labs, but also a privilege to be able to be able to contribute to the efforts to combat the disease.”

 “I am still building on my expertise in developing lateral-flow diagnostic tests, expanding to include other high priority pathogens with the hope that we can stay one step ahead of potential future pandemics.”

 Professor Iain Buchan

Professor Iain Buchan, worked with civic leaders, researchers, and the NHS to deliver a ground-breaking, mass testing pilot in Liverpool, and led its evaluation. Research led by Professor Buchan also resulted in the safe, early reopening of big cultural events like music festivals.

Professor Buchan, W.H. Duncan Chair in Public Health Systems, and Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Innovation said: “The COVID-19 pandemic had a profound impact on all of us but hit the most disadvantaged hardest. 

“In Liverpool in October 2020, we faced the dual threat of hospitals not having enough capacity to care for people and of lockdowns causing loss of income for families in a city where nearly a third of children are born into poverty. So, we piloted the world’s first voluntary mass testing scheme, aiming to save lives and livelihoods. 

“I was deeply moved by the sight of people queuing to get tested and welcoming the help of the British Army so warmly. At 11AM on 11 November 2020 the Last Post played at the main testing centre – everyone stood still with the dignity and pride that typified Liverpool grit and reflected the extraordinary fact of quarter of a city coming forward to support the mass testing pilot. 

“The work led to national policies like Community Testing and was used around the world. But the most moving part for me is what our residents said most often, ‘this gives us hope’.”

For more information about the COVID-19 Day of Reflection 2025 visit